For the 2022-2023 School Year
Funded by the TJ PTO and Morris Education Foundation Grant



In February, the fifth grade takes part in an annual creative writing residency, "I am alive," focusing on poetry with BJ Ward. William (BJ) Ward is an American poet and educator who, through six sessions, teaches students how to pay attention to words and create images for readers through carefully written poems. He takes students on a journey of language and language usage. Throughout the residency, students read, and are read poems, while examining the crafts used within each poem to then write their own poetry.  Students write five to six poems during the residency and then select one to revise, edit, and publish in a class anthology.

BJ Ward has received the Governors' Award for Arts in Education from the State of New Jersey and has been Distinguished Teaching Artist by the NJ State Council on the Arts. He is the author of Jackleg Opera: Collected Poems from 1990-2013. Designated Distinguished Teaching Artist by the New Jersey State.


Fourth graders take part in a performance residency under the direction of Mark Gallagher, in cooperation with the MAYO Performing Arts Center. Over twelve sessions, students learn stage performance techniques and how to work together as an ensemble. Each class will learn and perform a play that is a comedic take on an important event in American history. Students learn lines, cues, and how to use their bodies as props to create entertaining performances that will be presented to the TJ community and their families. 



Over several weeks in April, 3rd graders had the wonderful opportunity to work with children's author and illustrator, Mike Moran. He worked with students in the process of telling a story with their artwork by creating graphic novels. The results were so creative and the kids had a great time!